I was planning on watching all of the Disney films in chronological order, but our copy of Pinocchio apparently came from the factory scratched (and we didn’t open it for over a year so there’s not sending it back now–we fail at commerce) and I don’t have easy access to […]
Monthly Archives: May 2010
"I don’t want you going down to the stables anymore," Isaac’s mother said, standing in his doorway. "It isn’t safe for you, out every morning riding that monster." "He’s not a monster. Flame would never hurt me." Isaac turned away from her, hoping that she’d let the subject drop. "It’s […]
A Taste of Freedom
I’ve decided to watch and review all of the Disney animated classics. There are a lot of them. Most of them are great. Some of them are pretty terrible. There are a few that I’ve never seen. I’ll state right up front that I’m a Disney fan, so if you […]
Disney Project: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
The doctor screamed when she cut off his hands. His fingers were much longer than the ones he’d given her. Now she could be a piano prodigy. His body was trying to kill him. His wife tied his limbs, but they forgot his hair. He screamed as it encircled […]
Twitter Stories
Ronnie loved running, and the forbidden greenhouse was her favorite place to do it. She dodged between trees and glanced back. Jim was following her, and they’d already lost Dr. Eric. Joy gave her feet wings. She didn’t slow down till she got to her hideout. When Jim finally caught […]
Martian Adventures: The Hideout
Jack squeezed his mother-in-law’s parrot with both hands. Its tiny heart beat like mad, and its wings strained against his fingers. "Set me free!" the parrot squawked. "Please?" Its beady black eyes pleaded with him. "Sorry, buddy," Jack said. "My wife would kill me if I lost her mom’s […]
Pet Sitting
Ignacio examined the fortifications, seeing strengths, flaws, and faint future ghosts with his gift. He smiled. He’d stop the French here. A dead dolphin drifted past, and Tom’s strength was fading. He was drowning. He wished that he’d never wished for an ocean of tequila. Tim’s margarita was a pretty […]
Twitter Stories
Boneshaker is set in a steampunk Seattle with airships and zombies. It’s a fun book. The civil war is raging back east, so there’s no outside help in sight for the citizens in and around the city. About fifteen years before the novel opens, an inventor named Leviticus […]
Review of Boneshaker by Cherie Priest
James–no, Jim, he had to start thinking of himself as Jim–couldn’t believe his luck. The only other kid on Mars was a cute girl. A cute, nice girl who was obviously excited about the idea of being his friend. No one had ever been excited to be his […]
Martian Adventures: Into the Greenhouse
When I started this crazy flash fiction project, I wasn’t planning on doing any serial stories, but when I was trying to come up with something for last Wednesday, two characters popped pretty much fully formed into my mind, and I wrote the scene where they met. I’m going to […]