Adam tightened the last bolt and stepped back from his time machine. "It’s ready," he said. "I still think we should do a shorter jump for our first test," Suzy said. "If we can’t get back, the Cretaceous isn’t a great time to be stuck in." "Dinosaurs, Suzy." Suzy sighed. […]
Monthly Archives: July 2010
I love this movie. I can talk along with most (maybe all) of it, and it still makes me giggle maniacally every time I watch it. If you don’t love this movie, you probably have some kind of chemical imbalance in your brain, and you might want to get that […]
Disney Project: The Emperor’s New Groove
The fireworks paused all across the nation. The fuses fizzled for ten seconds, then they launched, and each one spelled "Hello, Earthlings." Lacy danced with sparklers in her hands, wishing they were fairies. Something brushed her eyelids, and she saw hundreds of dancing lights. Mary traced dark arcane symbols with […]
Twitter Stories
Ronnie still couldn’t get over how everyone had reacted to their discovery. The geology department gave both her and Jim specially created paperweights carved out of Martian rock and had thrown them a party. The engineers had started designing robots to explore the crevasse. Her mom had dedicated a whole […]
Martian Adventures: The Valor Crevasse
T’ksspt parked his space ship in a high orbit over the little blue and green planet. It was just as pretty as he’d hoped. A few good shots of this, and he’d at least place in the photography contest. And then K’ssltt would finally notice him. He slipped into his […]
I’m leaving for Kansas in a matter of hours. I’ll be away for two weeks, attending the short story workshop at the Center for the Study of Science Fiction. I’ve got stories written and queued up to post automatically while I’m gone, so the flow of fiction will continue uninterrupted. […]
The crystal slipper had a cracked toe. The prince had stepped on Cinderella’s foot after he’d joked about dirty peasants. "That’s not mine." Sleeping Beauty woke in an empty room. Where was her prince? She stood, her foot landing on human teeth. She fainted and woke alone again. After the […]
Twitter Stories
It took me over 100 pages to start caring about this book, but I did enjoy it by the end. The opening relies a lot on setting and tone to pull the reader through, and while the setting was interesting, it wasn’t enough for me to really care about the […]