The contributer guidelines for next year’s Triangulation anthology are up! Our new theme is "Last Contact." Go and check it out!
Monthly Archives: October 2010
My friend Amy ended up with two tickets to this year’s World Fantasy Con in Columbus, Ohio. I couldn’t get any time off of work to go, but with I ended up driving out bright and early yesterday morning. I met up with Amy, plus two other friends from Kansas, […]
World Fantasy Con
Sorry for the long dry spell, folks. I was writing my blog posts at work, and my boss forbade me the use of my laptop, so I didn’t have time. Plus my motivation has been flagging for a while. It’s much easier not to post, believe it or not. […]
Back in the Saddle
Today is my two year wedding anniversary. To celebrate, Paul and I went out and wandered around the South Side on Saturday, then we went to Phantom Fright Nights at Kennywood. I found an autographed copy of Lois McMasters Bujold’s The Spirit Ring. It’s made out to Frank, but […]
Late Blog
I’m going to do a time jump in the Martian Adventures universe! The next story is going to be set about five years after the current storyline.
Martian Adventures Hiatus
Pocahontas came out in 1995. I knew that it wasn’t going to be good. I knew to expect rampant historical inaccuracy. I wasn’t expecting the horrible storytelling. The movie opens in England, where we’re shown that John Smith is a BIG DAMN HERO. Everyone loves him! He jumps overboard […]
Disney Project: Pocahontas
I got a haircut! My hair is now shorter than it’s been since high school, and it was only shorter once, then. I finished the scarf I was working on this week. I’m really pleased with it. It’s black and gold, both Steelers colors and Hufflepuff colors. ^_^ I made […]