Monthly Archives: November 2010

 Paul, Bill, and I went out on the town last night.  They met me downtown after work, then we walked over to the CLO Cabaret.  We ate at the bar and listened to some live music.  The music was great.  The food was fantastic.  Then we went in to see […]

I love Pittsburgh

 I picked up my Kinect last week.  For those of you not geeky enough to know, a Kinect is a device that you attach to your Xbox.  It has a cameras and microphones and you can use it to play various games.  I picked up a dance game that is […]

Kinect! Also rambling!

I realized a few things when i started going back to kung fu class.  I’d forgotten how much FUN class is–how much I loved just being there and learning and working out.  I walked out of my first class back feeling like I’d regained a little part of my soul […]
