Yearly Archives: 2010

Ronnie waited outside the new boy’s cryosleep pod, barely keeping herself from bouncing up and down.  She wasn’t supposed to be here–Mom had told her to let the new settlers get settled before she started pestering them.  But she couldn’t wait.  She wanted to meet James P. Morgan.  She traced […]

Martian Adventures: New Friends

I’m 26 today. After work I’m going to hang out with my husband and my best friend. We’re going to watch classic science fiction movies and eat sushi and ice cream. It’s going to be a good day. 26 sounded like a good age to me when I was younger. […]

It’s my Birthday!!

The Center for the Study of Science Fiction has a two week short story workshop taught by James Gunn every summer, and I’m planning to go this year!  I will be spending two weeks in July in Lawrence Kansas.  I’m really excited about this opportunity. Writing workshops are great ways […]

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