The Earth still looked beautiful from the moon. Kari stood on the lunar surface and stared up at it. She started to run, accelerating in long bounding jumps. It wasn’t hard in the low gravity, even at her age. When she was going as fast and jumping as high as […]
Yearly Archives: 2010
Sam’s alien boss laughed when he asked for his birthday off. It told him to stop tracking time by Earth’s sun and took his calendar away. The once-pauper was ready to return to his life, but a servant gave him a crown wrapped in rags. The note said "Happy Birthday, […]
Twitter Stories
I have a subscription to Realms if Fantasy. It’s pretty much my favorite magazine. I was very happy when it failed to die last year, and I am always glad when I get a new issue in my mailbox. I enjoyed June’s issue, and I like the way the […]
Review of Realms of Fantasy June 2010
Ronnie waited outside the new boy’s cryosleep pod, barely keeping herself from bouncing up and down. She wasn’t supposed to be here–Mom had told her to let the new settlers get settled before she started pestering them. But she couldn’t wait. She wanted to meet James P. Morgan. She traced […]
Martian Adventures: New Friends
I’m 26 today. After work I’m going to hang out with my husband and my best friend. We’re going to watch classic science fiction movies and eat sushi and ice cream. It’s going to be a good day. 26 sounded like a good age to me when I was younger. […]
It’s my Birthday!!
Cynthia positioned the pink party hat between Harold’s furry ears and carefully placed the elastic band under his muzzle. "Don’t know why we’re bothering," he muttered. "It’s her birthday!" Cynthia said. Harold shrugged his massive shoulders and sat back on his haunches. "She’s just going to roll her eyes and […]
The Birthday Bear
The tulip’s petals glowed in the sunlight that warmed the fairy in its embrace. As the sky darkened, it closed to protect her from the rain. The bees were dying. It was time to adapt. The queen laid her eggs in human ears so her daughters could merge with their […]
Twitter Stories
Benthamidia uncurled her pale, four-petaled pink flowers and drank in the sunshine. It was a perfect spring day–the air was warm and sweet, and the stream beneath her cool and swollen with melted snow. A human scrambled up her trunk, scraping her bark with his fingernails. Benthamidia shuddered under […]
The Lonely Dogwood
The Center for the Study of Science Fiction has a two week short story workshop taught by James Gunn every summer, and I’m planning to go this year! I will be spending two weeks in July in Lawrence Kansas. I’m really excited about this opportunity. Writing workshops are great ways […]
Call for Donations
Alison crawled between the boards over the abandoned house’s broken window and picked her way across the bare, dusty floor. The winter air was cold and still and smelled like rotting plaster, but Alison caught the faintest hint of lilacs. The kitchen door swung open at Alison’s touch and she […]