Yearly Archives: 2010

As the title implies, WWW: Wake is about an artificial entity on the internet gaining sentience.  This AI itself is one of the two main point of view characters.  The other is a blind girl named Caitlin Decter.  Caitlin undergoes an experimental surgery to give her sight.  At first, nothing […]

Review of WWW: Wake by Robert J. Sawyer

Just sold my story "Sleeping Beauty" to Free Range Fairy Tales from Whortleberry Press. Woot!  This is one of the very first stories I ever wrote, and I’m glad it finally has a home!


 Ronnie scowled at her blueberry pancakes.  "I don’t see why Jim can’t come over."  Her parents exchanged a look.  Her dad arched an eyebrow, and her mom shook her head.  Ronnie sighed, knowing the answer, even before Dad turned to her.  "It’s family day, Ronnie," he said.  "It’s a day […]

Martian Adventures: Family Day Part 2

 More great news!  My flash piece, "Tiffany and the Unicorns" will be appearing in Space Squid late this summer!  

Another Sale!

 I was poking about on the internet this morning, and I saw on Steve Ramey’s shiny new twitter that he’d just sold a couple twitter pieces to Trapeze Magazine.  They don’t pay, but they do take reprints, so I sent them one of the stories I posted here last Friday.  And […]
