The official contents for Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations has been announced. The book will contain my story "Quetzalcoatl’s Conquistador." The book should be coming out in the spring, and I’ll post links when it’s available for purchase. The other stories look really interesting, too. I’m excited to be a […]
Yearly Archives: 2011
Every time I get a rejection, I do my best to send the story back out quickly. I’m holding steady at 30 subs, but my recent batch of rejections has been rough. I got an Honorable Mention from Writers of the Future. That’s better than a slap in the […]
Recent Rejections
I just got an acceptance from Daily Science Fiction for my flash piece, "Offering Solace." I am literaly dancing about for joy.
So, I just saw that Realms of Fantasy is closing. This is a sad thing. I have always enjoyed the magazine. But this is the third time they’ve closed, and I doubt that they’re going to come back again. But! I sold a story! Can’t say where yet, but… […]
The Good and the Bad
I currently have 29 submissions out. I have two more that I need to get sent by Halloween. I track my submissions on Duotrope. It’s awesome. If you write and submit and don’t use it, you should go and check it out. It will make your life easier. […]
Submission Update
If you missed it, the Kickstarter failed. Bursts of Light is not to be. My feelings overall ended up pretty mixed. I’m disappointed, and failing is never fun, but putting together an anthology is a lot of work, and I don’t know if this was really the right time for […]
Well, that didn’t pan out.
The Kickstarter is up! Go and check it out!! I’ve got lots of donation levels and great (if I do say so myself) rewards. Please donate if you think the project looks worthwhile. I want this to happen SO BADLY.
I was hoping to launch the Kickstarter today, but I’m having problems with Amazon and my bank not playing nice with each other. I literally spent hours on the phone with Amazon and two separate banks (since I couldn’t get my bank account, I was hoping to use Paul’s as […]
Launch Delay
Tomorrow, I’m launching a Kickstarter project. Kickstarter is a crowdfunding website that people use to fund artistic or creative projects. Here is the description of what I want to do. The Kickstarter will launch tomorrow, if you’re interested in learning more or offering funding. You can also visit the […]
Bursts of Light
Kellogg’s K2O is comes as packets of powder that you mix into a bottle of water. Each one has 30 calories, 5 grams of fiber, and 5 grams of protein. The pink lemonade flavor is decent. Not great–a little too acidic for my taste, but definitely drinkable. I find it’s […]