Monthly Archives: February 2012

 February has been a very up-and-down month.   I have 36 story submissions out.  One is a reprint, two are shortlisted, and one is a requested rewrite.  My wait times range from 0-134 days.  I also asked a market if they’d consider a rewrite of a story they rejected.  They […]

February 2012: The Month in Review

 When I was getting ready to leave work yesterday, I was paged to the front desk for something about my car.  I figured they needed me to move it, which would be easy, since I was about to leave.   I was wrong.   One of my coworkers had been […]

Always an Adventure

 Funding for One Revolution ends TOMORROW!!  If you’ve been meaning to pledge, NOW is your moment.  There are 4 personalized stories left at the $100 level, and 11 left at the $200 level.  If you can’t afford that (and I totally understand that, I probably couldn’t afford it either) you […]


 I got a form rejection from The University of Pittsburgh’s MFA program.   Please, please, please don’t tell me that they’re making a huge mistake that they’ll someday regret.  They aren’t.  They won’t.  I knew going in that I probably wouldn’t be a good fit for their program.  The core […]


 I’m working on an Amazon Author Page.  It’ll eventually have all of my works that are available from amazon listed on it.  Right now it only has a few of them.  But it does have a bio and a picture.  

Self Promotion

 One Revolution has reached its funding goal!  That means that the project is officially going forward!  There’s still a week to be a part of it.  If you pledge, you can get an ebook, a signed, personalized print copy, or even a story tailored to your wishes.  I have enough funding […]


 About a month ago, Paul Anderson sent me a request for a story to include in his Torn Realities Anthology.  I was super excited, partly because I was really hoping that someone would request a story from me this year, and partly because Paul is a really cool guy and […]

My Very First Requested Story!

 My short story, "Second Choices" will be appering in Earthbound Fiction’s Dark Stars: Best Science Fiction Anthology!  Also, my they published my fantasy story, "Shadow Twin" in Sparks: Exciting New Fantaasy From Today’s Brightest Stars.  It’s available for the Kindle, and free for Amazon Prime members!  

Sale! And Publication!

 So, this is a thing that’s happening.   Me:  I want to add more activity to my life.  I know!  I’ll take up hiking.  I like to be outside, and it’s a nice, cheap hobby.  All I need is a pair of boots! Universe: Starts laughing. Me: Look at all […]
