"Offering Solace" is today’s email story from Daily Science Fiction! It will be available on their website next week, and i’ll post a link to it then. ^_^
Monthly Archives: March 2012
My superhero story, "If You Weren’t Murdering My Wife," is up! Check it out at The Wifiles!
Story up at The Wifiles!
My short story "Unexpected Pigment" is availabe in the Spring 2012 edition of The Colored Lens! You can get it for the Kindle now! it also includes a piece by the wonderful Sandra Odell! I’m very proud and excited to be a part of this magazine. Every single story I’ve […]
The Colored Lens Available for Kindle!
My husband launched a Kickstarter project on Friday. It’s an RPG about life on the moon. The project raised over $1,000 over the weekend. He’s well on his way to his $4,000 goal. He’s got ideas for stretch goals, too. If you’re at all interested in table top role playing […]
Full Moon: An RPG of Life on the Lunar Frontier
Today is William Shatner’s birthday, and I want to wish him all the best! For my birthday next month, I’m going to go see his Broadway Tour in Cleveland! If anyone wants to help me pay for my stupid-expensive ticket as a lovely birthday present, click on the paypal […]
Happy Birthday, William Shatner!
I got Mass Effect 3 at midnight, right when it came out. I preordered the super ultra edition. I was happy to give Bioware my money. I loved the first two games so much, and I wasn’t going to let my disappointment in Dragon Age 2 keep me from looking […]
My Problems with Mass Effect 3
Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations, featuring my story "Quetzalcoatl’s Conquistador" is available in paperback at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. They are planning on releasing the ebook in two or three months.
Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations is NOW AVAILABLE!
I sold my story "Ashes to Diamonds" to Stupefying Stories! I’m pretty stoked. ^_^
Another Sale!
My flash piece, "Unexpected Pigment" has been accepted by The Colored Lens! It should be out in the middle of this month! Yay!