I’ve been having serious issues with coming up with content for this site in the past month. I feel like my quality has been slipping, and I feel like I’m putting in a lot of work for something that practically no one cares about.
I know my mom’s been reading (Hi Mom!) but I very much feel like I’ve been shouting into a vacuum. I’ve been putting so much energy into writing short pieces for this site that I haven’t been writing anything else.
When I first started this site, I was writing reviews and things. I enjoyed those, and I think I should start doing them again. Starting next Monday, I’m going to do a review on Mondays. I’ll continue Martian Adventures on Wednesdays. And on Fridays, I think I might actually just blog a little. We’ll see.
I feel a little bit like I’m giving up or failing, but I can’t justify continuing like I have been. Hopefully I’m not disappointing anyone.