If you missed it, the Kickstarter failed. Bursts of Light is not to be. My feelings overall ended up pretty mixed. I’m disappointed, and failing is never fun, but putting together an anthology is a lot of work, and I don’t know if this was really the right time for it. So, maybe it’s all for the best. And I did raise a pretty fair ammount of money. And at least I tried. *shrug*
In other, more cheerful, news, I finished my first novel. I’m currently working through the revision process. It’s going to take a while–it’s a lot of work. But I’m enjoying it so far. I do really love the world, the characters, and the story that I’ve put together, and I want to make the book as strong as I can.
I have two recent publications, as well. My story "Lullabye to Loneliness" is in the most recent issue of Cover of Darkness, and "Ruth and the Giant" is out in Stories from the Hearth: Heartwarming Tales of Appalachia.
Also, I started a facebook page dedicated to my writing. Go and like me! ^_^