I just mailed out copies of One Revolution to the winners of my Goodreads Giveaway. Congratulations to the winners! If you weren’t lucky enough to snag a free copy, copies are available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble!
My story “Citali’s Song” has been accepted by The Colored Lens!
Story Sale!
If you’re looking for dark flash fiction, you should check it out. You can also find it on Amazon.
Dark Bits Ebook Available
My husband and I go to GenCon every August, and this year was no exception. We drove out to Indianapolis with our friend Justin on Wednesday. We stopped for lunch at a Cracker Barrel and had dinner at P.F. Chang’s, as is our tradition. After dinner, we went to go get our […]
GenCon Write Up
I have a new story out on Mad Scientist Journal! Go! Read and comment!
Mad Science!
So far this summer, I’ve made sour cherry jam and rhubarb conserve. Neither set up at all, but they look pretty.
One of my reasons for changing my website over to WordPress was to make it easier to include pictures in posts. So, look! Pictures! Behold my tiny trees! I backed a Kickstarter project called Pawpaw: The story of America’s forgotten fruit. One of my rewards was a packet of […]
Pawpaw Trees!
A friend gave me a hollow ostrich egg for Christmas after the two of us had a brief discussion about ostriches and the fact that she’d once owned an ostrich farm. It was an unexpected, truly touching gesture, and I wanted to do something to thank her. So I figured […]
Finished, Finally.
I’m giving away two copies of One Revolution at the end of August! You can enter by going here or by clicking the button to the right!
Goodreads Giveaway!
Paul and I went to see Pacific Rim last weekend. It’s awesome. if you’re able to find time to go see it, you won’t regret it. The fight scenes were incredible. This one was my favorite. My only complaint is that there were very few women in the movie. The one […]