
About Jamie

Jamie Lackey lives in Pittsburgh with her husband and their cats. She has over 160 short fiction credits, and has appeared in Daily Science Fiction, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and Escape Pod. She has a novella and two short story collections available from Air and Nothingness Press. In addition to writing, she spends her time reading, playing tabletop RPGs, baking, and hiking. You can find her online at www.jamielackey.com.

      The adults all succumb to the sleep at the same time.  Our parents slump, boneless, to the floor.  Teachers sag onto their desks, cashiers fall next to their registers, bike couriers tumble sideways and roll.  The smallest children sleep as well.  Babies curl on their mothers’ breasts, soft […]

We Wait, and We Hope

 I sold two stories so far this week.  My story "The Minotaur’s Garden" is going to appear online at The Lorelei Signal then in print in Mystic Signals.   Also, my story "Broken Promises" will be appearing in Fear the Abyss from Post Mortem Press.  The book will also feature stories […]

More Story Sales!

 This morning, I got a rejection for my novel submission from a publisher who requested the full manuscript.  That was pretty crushing.  I really let myself get my hopes up.   Then, I got a rejection from a market that I really, really want to break into.  But the editor […]

It’s Been a… Day.

September wasn’t a great writing month.  I didn’t finish a single story.  I had one story published, and I sold one story.  I have one novel and just over 30 stories submitted, and a handful that I need to send back out.  Two of my submissions are shortlisted.  My longest […]

September 2012: The Month in Review

      Stanley initiated a standard scan and watched the numbers scroll across his screen.  "That’s not right," he muttered.  He stopped the test and restarted it.  He stared at the image on the screen.  His mind drifted.  He reached forward, and jumped when his fingers hit smooth plastic.       […]

Feeding the Master

 My story "Unexpected Pigment:" is now available on The Colored Lens to read for free!  You can still buy the ebook, if you’d like to.  

Go! Read!