Labor Day weekend was a busy one for me this year, so this post is a few days late. At the end of August, I had 39 short story and one novel submission out. My wait times ranged from 0-308 days, and four of my short stories were shortlisted. […]
For Dylan, Kiefer and Lleyton I spun in a fast, uncontrolled circle, my mouth guard half-out, my visor cracked, and my own blood floating in front of me in a spray of perfectly round orbs. Gloved hands pulled the heavy, black rubber ball out of […]
Top of the Game
My short story, "Witch’s Intuition" is going to be published in the June 2013 issue of Aoife’s Kiss.
The Spring 2012 collection of Mad Scientist Journal is available! I’m in it! So are lot of other cool people!
I sold my short story "Jeb Parsons and the Alien Princess" to Hills of Fire: Bare-Knuckle Yarns of Appalachia!
Story Sale!
I created a YouTube Channel and posted the Confluence reading videos. You can watch them by following the link in the sidebar!
YouTube Channel
Check out my story "Rekindled Dreams" in this month’s issue of Penumbra!
August Penumbra Available!
My story "Remembering Jacob" is up at Kazka Press. Go read it!
For Daksha and Eesha Maya clutched her father’s hand as he wandered through the fair. New sights, sounds, and smells bombarded her. The scents of fried dough, powdered sugar, hot sausage, and cotton candy warred with manure, sweat, and machine oil. All around, people barked […]
Everyone’s a Winner
I have 38 short story submissions and one novel submission out right now. Five of my short stories are shortlisted, and my wait times range from 0-277 days. I sold four stories, and I had one published. I wrote and submitted four new stories, and I finished a few pieces […]