Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations has an updated page! Most of my fellow contributors have websites you can check out. Also, there are reviews! One of them mentions me! *happiness* It’s a nice boost to my ego after my 10-rejection weekend.
I went to the Altar Bar for the first time ever this Saturday. It’s a pretty cool place–the atmosphere is very well done. The concert floor is an open area with a high ceiling, and there are balconies with tables above. And, of course, there’s a bar. I was […]
Patron Saint LIVE w/ Braynstream Records, Winter’s Descent, Love Addiction
Paul and I went to see Shakespeare’s As You Like It on Friday night at the Pittsburgh Public Theater. I really enjoy seeing Shakespeare staged, especially the comedies, so I was expecting to enjoy it. I wasn’t expecting it to fly by as quickly as it did. I was surprised […]
As You Like It
Bill, Paul, and I went to Colorado Springs for a mini vacation this weekend. Bill and I wanted to see if either of us were horribly susceptible to altitude sickness, and Paul came along because he’d never been to Colorado before. We left the Pittsburgh airport on Friday afternoon. We […]
I Fell a Little Bit in Love with Colorado Springs ...
I didn’t get the fellowship interview. That probably means that I won’t be going to Chatham. Really, it probably means I won’t be going to grad school at all. I’m not giving up–there are school-wide assistantships at Chatham I can try for, plus I’m still waiting to hear back from […]
Disappointment is Bitter.
This month has been a pretty good one for me. Right now, I have 31 story submissions out. Of those, one is a reprint and three are shortlisted. My wait times range from 0-282 days. I received four acceptances this month, including my first ever reprint sale. I finished […]
January 2012: The Month in Review
I launched a new Kickstarter project. Go check it out. Then give it money. If it happens, I promise that it’ll be super awesome.
One Revolution
My creepy flash piece "Blood Sisters" has been accepted by One Buck Horror!
Flash Fiction Sale!
I sold a reprint of my story "Sleeping Beauty" to Aoife’s Kiss! It will come out in their December 2012 issue!
First Ever Reprint Sale!!
January’s issue of Stupefying Stories is availble! It contains my alternate history ghost story, "Music from the Air." If you have a kindle, you can get it here! And here for a Nook! You can also find it in the Apple Store.