
About Jamie

Jamie Lackey lives in Pittsburgh with her husband and their cats. She has over 160 short fiction credits, and has appeared in Daily Science Fiction, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and Escape Pod. She has a novella and two short story collections available from Air and Nothingness Press. In addition to writing, she spends her time reading, playing tabletop RPGs, baking, and hiking. You can find her online at www.jamielackey.com.

 I finished my novel revision.  The draft is up to 85,000 words!  It’s pretty exciting.  I wanted to finish this pass by the end of the month, and I’m pretty proud of myself for succeeding.  

Novel Revision!

I sold my story "Music from the Air" to Stupefying Stories!   This week–this month, really–is starting to get very surreal.  But it’s awesome.  ^_^

One more

I just got word that my short story "Shadow Twin" has been accepted for Earthbound Fiction‘s upcoming ebook anthology!  

Story Sale!

 Step one:  Find inspiration.  Lots of things give me ideas for stories.  Artwork, anthology themes, movies, wikipedia, nature documentaries, history, etc.  Honestly, this is one of the easier steps for me.   Step two: Write!  I like to sit down and write my first drafts in one sitting.  (Obviously we’re […]

My Process

 The official contents for Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations has been announced.  The book will contain my story "Quetzalcoatl’s Conquistador."  The book should be coming out in the spring, and I’ll post links when it’s available for purchase.  The other stories look really interesting, too.  I’m excited to be a […]

Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations

 Every time I get a rejection, I do my best to send the story back out quickly.  I’m holding steady at 30 subs, but my recent batch of rejections has been rough.   I got an Honorable Mention from Writers of the Future.  That’s better than a slap in the […]

Recent Rejections