It’s a list of stories from 2010 that the editors think are worth reading. And my name is on it. Check it out. I’m down there under three stars. I’m pretty stoked.
Life has been pretty hectic so far this year. I’ve started hiking, I’ve continued to go to kung fu class every couple of weeks, and I’ve signed up for a weight loss study at the Univeristy of Pittburgh. I went in for an initial screening on Monday. They took blood, […]
Busy busy
My story "Larva Mother" is out in this quarter’s issue of Bards and Sages Quarterly! Go, check it out! There’s also a story by my wonderful friend A. B. Treadwell. ^_^
Bards and Sages Quarterly
I love Christmas. I love colored lights and decorated trees and shiny packages and peppermint mochas and cookies and carols and the Rudolph cartoon. I love buying presents and getting presents. I took my grandmother to see The Nutcracker at the ballet as her gift, and that was wonderful. […]
What Christmas Means to Me
The xbox came in the mail today. The disc drive works. Paul played some Fallout 3. I’m confused. Pleased, but confused. Mostly pleased, really. But seriously, what the crap?
WTF? Also… thanks?
Last night I got an email from the xbox service account telling me that any resolution would have to be reached by phone. This morning, I called. I talked to a guy who was pleasant enough, but completely useless. He got a "specialist" for me. She was also pretty […]
The Saga Continues
A few weeks ago, my cat broke my xbox. He opened the disc tray and sat on it. I went on Microsoft’s website and saw that my warranty included free repairs, so we mailed the console in. Today, I got this email. Dear Jamie Stefko, Our inspection of […]
The Xbox Saga
We’re open for submissions! Our theme is "Last Contact." Send us stories!
Triangulation: Last Contact–an update!
Paul, Bill, and I went out on the town last night. They met me downtown after work, then we walked over to the CLO Cabaret. We ate at the bar and listened to some live music. The music was great. The food was fantastic. Then we went in to see […]
I love Pittsburgh
I picked up my Kinect last week. For those of you not geeky enough to know, a Kinect is a device that you attach to your Xbox. It has a cameras and microphones and you can use it to play various games. I picked up a dance game that is […]