You can check out “Her Mother’s Book” in the latest issue of Mad Scientist Journal and “The Mutable Sky” in The Colored Lens!
My weird western story “To Go on Two Feet” is now available at Swords and Sorcery Magazine!
New Story Available!
The results have been announced for the Jim Baen Memorial Short Story Award. I didn’t win, but I did get second place, which is pretty exciting.
Jim Baen Memorial Award
My story “The Sour Thread of Doubt” is available in the inaugural issue of The Sockdolager! It’s a fantasy story inspired by my trip to Peru a few years ago. An elderly priestess struggles to maintain her faith in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
New Story Available!
My story “Seasons of Friendship” is free this week on QuarterReads! You can check it out (for FREE this week) here!
Free Story This Week on QuarterReads!
I’m one of 10 finalists for the Jim Baen Memorial Short Story Award. Keep your fingers crossed for me–I’d love to win an actual trophy! That has never happened.
Exciting News!

You can read my new story “For Your Time” online at Daily Science Fiction!
New Story Available!
My story “Under the Shimmering Lights” is available to read for free in the Stupefying Stories Showcase! I also wrote a new story this past week, and have banged out about 600 words on an adventure fantasy that I’m hoping to submit to the Baen Fantasy Adventure Award. I contacted […]
New Story Available! And Other Things!
I had 25 short stories published in 2014–24 originals and one reprint. You can find links to them under “Writing Credits” if you’re so inclined. I had at least one story come out every month, which I think is pretty cool. I wrote a novella and some (but not nearly […]
2014 Year in Review
Check out “Abram’s Choice” in Perihelion Science Fiction!