I had five new stories released in November. Two are available to read for free online. What Comes After is a science fiction story about mortality. Unhappiness in Heaven is a fantasy story about a deal with the devil. I also had three stories released in for-pay format. You can […]
So, I’m not going to make it to 50,000 words on my novel this month. I got to about 30,000 words and realized that I was almost done with the story. When I try to force myself to speed through a novel, I really speed through a novel. My draft […]
Success Through Failing!
Me, 20,000 words into National Novel Writing Month.
Twilight Sparkle is my Spirit Animal
November is National Novel Writing Month, also known as NaNoWriMo. I’m participating this year! You can check out my progress on the progress bar to the right. I’m working on a sequel to my first novel, and I’m having fun so far. Of course, it’s only day two. Wish me […]
National Novel Writing Month
I renewed my library card a couple of weeks ago, and while I was there I checked out Zombies vs. Unicorns, an anthology edited by Justine Larbalestier and Holly Black. The theme is pretty simple–the editors present one short story about unicorns, then one about zombies. Black argues that unicorns are […]
Book Review: Zombies vs. Unicorns
You can vote for my story from the April issue or vote for me for Author of the Year (or both!) by clicking here.
Bards and Sages Quarterly Readers Choice Awards!
I’m reading Cat Rambo’s Building an Online Presence for Writers as an early reader. One of the things she suggests is setting up a mailing list, so I’m doing that. ^_^ You can sign up to the right, under the pretty pictures of book covers. I promise not to flood […]
Mailing List!
I was mentioned on this list, along with a lot of other great female authors. I’ve only recently started to think of myself as a horror writer, and I still think of myself as a fantasy writer first, science fiction writer second, and horror writer third. I haven’t read a […]
Women in Horror
My story “The Iron Tang of Blood” has been accepted by Penumbra‘s Gaslight Fantasy issue! It has a unicorn!
I made these as backer rewards for the What Fates Impose Kickstarter. The book should be out soon, and it’s going to be awesome.