Alison crawled between the boards over the abandoned house’s broken window and picked her way across the bare, dusty floor. The winter air was cold and still and smelled like rotting plaster, but Alison caught the faintest hint of lilacs. The kitchen door swung open at Alison’s touch and she […]
The captain locked her baby in the FTL for the jump. "Ma’am, human souls are the only thing strong enough to break the laws of physics." The robot dismantled his mistress for his freedom. But freedom was boring, so he rebuilt her. Soon, everyone would serve […]
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She ran the razor over her scalp, feeling lighter and lighter as snakes plopped to the floor. They’d grow back. She’d done this before. She pulled on a stocking cap and a pair of dark sunglasses and went out for coffee. She flirted with the boy who […]