The Ferris wheel shuddered to a stop, and all the lights blinked out, one by one. When the ride started moving again, the cars were empty. Tractors roared and strained, and the crowd stared. No one noticed the bunnies escaping their pens, or heard when the screaming started. They found […]
Ronnie groaned. Was that Jim? He sounded far away. "Ronnie! Where are you?" Thoughts slipped through Ronnie’s mind, slippery and hard to catch, like fish. Something was wrong, she was sure of that. She tried to rub her forehead. Pain exploded through her body. Her arm was wedged beneath her […]
Martian Adventures: Ronnie’s Birthday Part 3
The queen of hearts twisted around on herself and escaped her paper prison. She didn’t get far, though, with two torsos and no legs. Sean had loved solitaire, but the game changed when the cards gained sentience. When he played on his computer, but the AI was just as bad. […]
Twitter Stories
Ronnie’s scream echoed in Jim’s room. He grabbed his communicator. "Ronnie? Ronnie, are you okay? Where are you?" Static crackled at him. Jim shook the communicator, then tried again. Worry clawed at his belly. Where was she? What had she done? Maybe this was all a prank. Maybe she was […]
Martian Adventures: Ronnie’s Birthday Part 2
There was only one present left under the tree, and it wasn’t big enough to be the racetrack that Billy wanted. It’d been the only thing he’d asked for this year, too. Well, not the only thing, but the only important thing. His parents should have known that. He fought […]
Christmas Present
Space monkeys swept into the room and carried off the muffins. Joe looked up from his Star Wars/Wizard of Oz fanfic. "That was weird." The sun went dark, and the Earth was shrouded in shadow. But then it came back, so everyone decided that it wasn’t worth worrying. Sam […]
Twitter Stories
Ronnie wormed her way through the air vent. It was a lot tighter than she remembered–but then she hadn’t been through here since before Jim came. She’d grown in the past year. She slithered forward. It would be her birthday soon, and she always greeted her birthday from the same […]
Martian Adventures: Ronnie’s Birthday Part 1
The beat pulsed through Joy’s soul, vibrated her atoms. She lost herself in the music, and she didn’t find herself when the song ended. The cat raced around the room, chasing things humans couldn’t see. He captured his prey and laid it at their feet. They weren’t impressed. The […]
Twitter Stories
Jim whistled as he walked to work. It was a beautiful Sunday morning, and it was his birthday. He’d been on the station for almost a year. He was going to work a short shift, and then Ronnie, her parents, and his mom were going to throw him a surprise […]
Martian Adventures: Jim’s Birthday
The antique store smelled like old leather and furniture polish. Dahlia wandered between the chairs and desks to the back wall, where knickknacks rested on dusty shelves. She picked up a duck carved out of dark blue stone. The duck was cool and heavy, and it made her fingers tingle. […]