The new queen looked down at her stepdaughter’s pallid face. She was a pretty baby, in her strange way. "Is she… healthy?" She touched the baby’s cheek. Her skin was cold as snow. The queen shuddered. "Healthy?" the doctor asked. He shrugged. "I can’t say. She’s doesn’t have the fever […]
flash fiction
Zombies shambled across the sunny park. One stopped by the swings and poked the dangling chains. The rusty links squeaked. It shambled on. Brain matter dripped from Jane’s lips, into Sister Ann’s matted hair. She wiped her hands on her habit and crept into the sanctuary. Alan shot the zombie […]
Twitter Stories
Frank stared down the long barrel of his rifle. The form scrambling up his path was definitely bipedal. Its movements were labored, like it was exhausted, or broken. He aimed at the head and squeezed. The figure crumpled, and Frank resumed his perimeter patrol. He hadn’t seen more than one […]
Day by Day
The Yeti carved tunnels in the snow. When he heard steps and muffled voices overhead, he sat beneath them, and they eased his loneliness. The Mothman clung to the bridge. It swayed and creaked as cars drove overhead, but it was stable, for a bit longer. He’d warn them tomorrow. […]
Twitter Stories
Jim examined the spacesuit. It didn’t look at all like the ones in the vids about the history of spaceflight. It looked more like the wetsuit that he’d worn when his grandmother took him SCUBA diving. It was sleek and black and rubbery against his fingers. Ronnie was already wearing […]
Martian Adventures: Exploration Part 1
Nessie had been old when Margaret was young, and Margaret felt her age in every joint as she sat by the loch, watching the sun set in a blaze of red and orange. She dipped her toes in the cold water, waited, and tried not to think about dying. She […]
The Lake Monster
The drive-in screen flickered out. Alice’s screams replaced the soundtrack as feral orange eyes glittered at the edge of the headlights. Joe’s brains coated the skipping record. The detective shuddered, and Elvis crooned, "You ain’t no friend of mine" over and over again. "Tom’s mine!" Anne left Sally’s body in […]
Twitter Stories
Ronnie scowled at her blueberry pancakes. "I don’t see why Jim can’t come over." Her parents exchanged a look. Her dad arched an eyebrow, and her mom shook her head. Ronnie sighed, knowing the answer, even before Dad turned to her. "It’s family day, Ronnie," he said. "It’s a day […]
Martian Adventures: Family Day Part 2
Mattie wrapped her arms around Big Bear and marched down the road. She refused to look back. There was nothing for her back home. Her mom and dad didn’t love her, not really. If they loved her, they wouldn’t have yelled at her. And they’d let her have ice cream […]
Big Bear
The grapefruit spoon bared its teeth at the lesser spoons, and they bowed before it. It led them to bloody victory over the butter knives. Corpses from the cutlery war were scattered around the kitchen, but the humans didn’t notice the carnage amidst their other dirty dishes. The sugar and […]