I found this writing contest (there’s still a couple of days to enter, if anyone is interested) and since I love prompts, I decided to write a story and post it here, both to enter the contest and to spread some holiday cheer. Without further ado, here’s a story. Happy […]
Jamie Lackey
My story “The Iron Tang of Blood” has been accepted by Penumbra‘s Gaslight Fantasy issue! It has a unicorn!
I made these as backer rewards for the What Fates Impose Kickstarter. The book should be out soon, and it’s going to be awesome.
Amigurumi Magic 8 Balls
I just mailed out copies of One Revolution to the winners of my Goodreads Giveaway. Congratulations to the winners! If you weren’t lucky enough to snag a free copy, copies are available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble!
Goodreads Giveaway Complete!
I have a new story out on Mad Scientist Journal! Go! Read and comment!
Mad Science!
A friend gave me a hollow ostrich egg for Christmas after the two of us had a brief discussion about ostriches and the fact that she’d once owned an ostrich farm. It was an unexpected, truly touching gesture, and I wanted to do something to thank her. So I figured […]
Finished, Finally.
I’m giving away two copies of One Revolution at the end of August! You can enter by going here or by clicking the button to the right!
Goodreads Giveaway!
The What Fates Impose Kickstarter has been successfully funded! There’s still just over a day to pledge, if you want to support the book. ^_^ Cat Rambo (who’s also in What Fates Impose!) offers really awesome online classes, and she just posted her schedule for upcoming classes. They’re definitely worth […]
Funded! Also Classes! And Art!
I did a short interview on Nayad Monroe’s website about writing and fortune telling and my story in What Fates Impose. I also got some unrelated good news–my story Broken Eggs has been accepted for Dark Bits. Woo hoo!
Interview! And Story Sale!
I haven’t been posting or updating much because I’ve been working on switching my website from GeekLog to WordPress. That’s done now, with a minimal loss of content. I did lose a few posts, they were mostly about ongoing things, that I’m happy to remind you about here. ^_^ The […]